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Below you can read some of the other comments we have received about The Graveyard Book:


I know Neil Gaiman is a fantastic writer but I really couldn't get into The Graveyard Book. I enjoyed Coraline but this one just isn't for me. 3 out of 10


This book by Neil Gaiman is Fantastic. One of the best Books I have ever read. It full of action and Mystery. 10 out of 10


really adventurous and scary 8 out of 10


A mysterious classic, Neil Gaiman fully described this dark and gloomy world. Ghost and Ghouls and Hounds of God- truly a classic Gaiman masterpiece!! 10 out of 10


A great read for those who like it. although it gripped me from the start, it just isn't my type. 7 out of 10


The quiz was excellent but challenging. 10 out of 10


This book is fantastic. It's one of the BEST BOOKS i've ever read! 10 out of 10


This book was very mysterious and funny. I really like how Nobody Owens' friend helps him to find out who had murdered his first family... 7 out of 10


Really good. Gripped me start form the start. Not really my stuff though 8 out of 10


Its a good book and scary!! 10 out of 10


This was a an excellent book- it just got better and better every chapter! 7 out of 10


this book was so boring i didn't like it that muchi read 2 pages and got bored 1 out of 10


Very good idea with the Sleer. I like the way the book ends at what could also be the beginning. A bit tedious at the beginning, but still worth it. 9 out of 10


i think it realy grim but good realy good but so scary at the beging. 7 out of 10


I loved this book so much because itis really interesting. 10 out of 10


The start was good but it did not hold my intrest so I didn't finish the book! 4 out of 10


This is my third comment about this book and I think it is simply one of the best books ever! I found the quiz so chalenging however, I got 10 out of 10! 10 out of 10


This book was absolutely the best book ever in the first 8/9 pages but then it turned out to be the worst book i have almost ever read! 4 out of 10


When I first red this book I thought it was going to be a boring book, but towards the end I sort of liked it! But to be honest I got muddeled up with the characters. 7 out of 10


The Graveyard Book is a funny book with some scary pictures and I recommend this to anyone who likes reading. 10 out of 10


I didn't like this book because it wasn't realistic or that entertaining. It wasn't a colourful or bright book like some of the others so didn't grab my attention. 4 out of 10


I thought the book was really boring because it didn't have any funny bits and didn't give any detailed desriptions. 6 out of 10


i didn't like this book because it was boring and i was sleeping when i read the book.i 1 out of 10


boring 1 out of 10


vary sad however heart warming 10 out of 10


I like the book of graveyard book i really did understand it not the book like blackship 7 out of 10


I really liked this book, it is very interesting and scary, and I recommend this to anyone who likes to read scary books! 10 out of 10


It's a very good book and a very gripping read, i really enjoyed it but not as much as Coraline and a few other books by Neil Gaiman. Its a got a possible vote from me 8 out of 10


ireally enjoyed this book alot but it wasnt as good as coraline (also by Neil Gaiman). Probably my 2nd favourite out of the books nominated! 9 out of 10


This book doesn't captivate you from the beggining but towards the end you wish it would never end. It has some scary parts as well as some dull ones but over all ot is great! The bit that annoyed me was when it kept on saying" The man named Jack"... This was also the last book I read from the short list. I am now on gold award with 6 books read! 9 out of 10


The book was very funny and it had funny parts it was kind of scary at points i cant wait for the next book to come out. 9 out of 10


Some parts of the book is really exciting which makes you want to read more but some are really boring and long. 6 out of 10


The book was very good and scary, I would recommend the book to people that like scary and frightening books. 10 out of 10


I thought this book was a bit boring, because the sentences didn\'t make sense. 2 out of 10


it wasn\'t bad, but the middle was a bit boring, but the end was the BEST because of the chase scene 6 out of 10


I think the graveyard book is really good. I especily enjoyed the begining! 8 out of 10


I think The Graveyard Book was really good but i thought the beggining was really boring. However the end was really exciting and I was almost jumping out of my skin. 8 out of 10


I thought this book was mostly boring but sometimes gripped me but it sometimes gets too boring too read. 5 out of 10

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